Dúvida com comunicação MODBUS

Fala pessoal tudo bem?

Estou tentando configurar uma comunicação modbus TCP no Elipse E3, usei um conversor MODBUS RTU para TCP no controlador que tenho para esta conexão, fiz todas as configurações convenientes e aparentemente meu problema agora esta no endereçamento das variáveis de leitura/escrita.
A mensagem de log que recebo é a seguinte sempre que tento conectar:


05/12/2017 15:55:06.448 (36FC) DRIVER Driver name: Driver Modicon Modbus v3.1.30 (IOKitLib v2.0.55)
05/12/2017 15:55:06.448 (36FC) DRIVER IOKitLib version 2.0.55 of Apr 1 2016 17:29:27
05/12/2017 15:55:06.448 (36FC) DEBUG CModbusHost CREATED
05/12/2017 15:55:06.448 (36FC) DRIVER Selected ModbusTCP protocol!
05/12/2017 15:55:06.448 (36FC) DRIVER User Types file compiled successfully!
05/12/2017 15:55:06.448 (36FC) DRIVER drvStartComm(0,0,0,0)
05/12/2017 15:55:06.448 (36FC) DRIVER Current configuration (76 parameters):
05/12/2017 15:55:06.448 (36FC) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP = ‘’
05/12/2017 15:55:06.448 (36FC) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP2 = ‘’
05/12/2017 15:55:06.448 (36FC) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP3 = ‘’
05/12/2017 15:55:06.448 (36FC) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.ListenIP = ‘’
05/12/2017 15:55:06.448 (36FC) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainIP = ‘’
05/12/2017 15:55:06.448 (36FC) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainLocalPort = 2101
05/12/2017 15:55:06.448 (36FC) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainPort = 502
05/12/2017 15:55:06.448 (36FC) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.PingTimeoutMs = 4000
05/12/2017 15:55:06.448 (36FC) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.PingTries = 1
05/12/2017 15:55:06.448 (36FC) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.Transport = ‘TCP’
05/12/2017 15:55:06.448 (36FC) DRIVER - IO.GiveUpTries = 1
05/12/2017 15:55:06.448 (36FC) DRIVER - IO.Log.Enable = 1
05/12/2017 15:55:06.448 (36FC) DRIVER - IO.Log.Filename = ‘C:\Modbus.camara.fria.log’
05/12/2017 15:55:06.448 (36FC) DRIVER - IO.RAS.ATCommand = ‘’
05/12/2017 15:55:06.448 (36FC) DRIVER - IO.RecoverEnable = 1
05/12/2017 15:55:06.448 (36FC) DRIVER - IO.RecoverPeriodSec = 20
05/12/2017 15:55:06.448 (36FC) DRIVER - IO.Serial.Baudrate = 9600
05/12/2017 15:55:06.448 (36FC) DRIVER - IO.Serial.DataBits = 8
05/12/2017 15:55:06.448 (36FC) DRIVER - IO.Serial.Port = 1
05/12/2017 15:55:06.448 (36FC) DRIVER - IO.TAPI.ModemID = 4294967295
05/12/2017 15:55:06.463 (36FC) DRIVER - IO.TAPI.PhoneNumber = ‘’
05/12/2017 15:55:06.463 (36FC) DRIVER - IO.TimeoutMs = 1000
05/12/2017 15:55:06.463 (36FC) DRIVER - IO.Type = ‘Ethernet’
05/12/2017 15:55:06.463 (36FC) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.ConfigFile = '[Functions]
Function: 1
Read: 3
Write: 16
Type: word
Size: 2
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0

05/12/2017 15:55:06.463 (36FC) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.DefaultSlaveAddress = 1
05/12/2017 15:55:06.463 (36FC) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.EnableCMSAddressing = 1
05/12/2017 15:55:06.463 (36FC) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.MaxPDUSize = 253
05/12/2017 15:55:06.463 (36FC) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.ModbusMode = 2
05/12/2017 15:55:06.463 (36FC) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.Olderaddr = 1
05/12/2017 15:55:06.463 (36FC) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.ShowOperationsInTagBrowser = 1
05/12/2017 15:55:06.463 (36FC) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.UserTypesConfigFile = ‘’
05/12/2017 15:55:06.463 (36FC) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.WaitSilenceOnError = 1
05/12/2017 15:55:06.463 (36FC) DRIVER - 44 parameters with value = 0 were omitted
05/12/2017 15:55:06.463 (3974) IOKIT INITIALIZING…
05/12/2017 15:55:06.463 (3974) SOCKET Winsock initialized: version=2.2, highVersion=2.2
05/12/2017 15:55:06.463 (3974) IOKIT INITIALIZED!
05/12/2017 15:55:06.463 (3974) IOKIT Request handler enabled
05/12/2017 15:55:06.463 (3974) IOKIT CONNECTING…
05/12/2017 15:55:06.463 (3974) SOCKET connecting socket to ‘’ on port 502…
05/12/2017 15:55:06.463 (4900) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
05/12/2017 15:55:06.463 (4900) SUPERBLOCK Tag( = Linear(1:30001) (x1,00000001)
05/12/2017 15:55:06.463 (36FC) SUPERBLOCK Linear(1:30001).Unnormalize = Tag(
05/12/2017 15:55:06.463 (3974) SOCKET socket connected to ‘’ on port 502 (local port 59665)!
05/12/2017 15:55:06.463 (3974) IOKIT CONNECTED!
05/12/2017 15:55:06.479 (3974) IO TX: 00 00 00 00 00 06 01 03 75 30 00 01
05/12/2017 15:55:07.540 (3974) IO RX: TIMEOUT
05/12/2017 15:55:07.540 (36FC) TAG <== (1.075) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
05/12/2017 15:55:07.540 (3974) IO TX: 00 01 00 00 00 06 01 03 75 30 00 01
05/12/2017 15:55:08.586 (3974) IO RX: TIMEOUT
05/12/2017 15:55:08.586 (36FC) TAG <== (1.036) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
05/12/2017 15:55:08.586 (3974) IO TX: 00 02 00 00 00 06 01 03 75 30 00 01
05/12/2017 15:55:09.646 (3974) IO RX: TIMEOUT
05/12/2017 15:55:09.646 (36FC) TAG <== (1.060) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
05/12/2017 15:55:09.646 (36FC) DRIVER drvStopComm(0,0,0,0)
05/12/2017 15:55:09.646 (36FC) IOKIT Stopping physical layer thread…
05/12/2017 15:55:09.646 (36FC) IOKIT Waiting for termination of physical layer thread…
05/12/2017 15:55:09.646 (3974) SOCKET socket closed
05/12/2017 15:55:09.646 (3974) IOKIT TERMINATING…
05/12/2017 15:55:09.646 (3974) IOKIT TERMINATED! (0 bytes sent, 0 bytes received)
05/12/2017 15:55:09.646 (3974) IOKIT Request handler disabled
05/12/2017 15:55:09.646 (36FC) IOKIT Physical layer thread stopped!
05/12/2017 15:55:09.646 (36FC) DEBUG CModbusHost DELETED

O que falta/onde está meu erro? É endereçamento mesmo ou tem alguma outra coisa errada?


@Anthoni, boa tarde.

O problema parece ser endereçamento mesmo.

Por favor, teria como confirmar a configuração dos parâmetros N e das operações (aba ‘Operations’ do driver) e informar qual tipo de variável está tentando ler/escrever?



Boa tarde Fernando,

Obrigado pela rapida resposta, estou tentando ler e somente uma informação que é a primeira da tabela seguinte:

Parâmetros N e Operations a seguir:

Mais uma vez, grato!


Obrigado pelo retorno.

Pelo que entendi do mapa Modbus, as variáveis são do tipo Input Register (Read Only) até o endereço 25 e, como não está completo, suponho que do 29 em diante são Holding Register (Read/Write).

A configuração está Ok para o Tag8, mas caso queira testá-lo junto aos outros tags, precisará realizar a configuração abaixo. Do contrário, testar isoladamente utilizando a Op.1 conforme abaixo.

Neste caso, a configuração das ‘Operations’ precisarão ser:
Op. 1 - Read 04 - Write ‘None’ - Word (Read Input Registers - 3x)
Op. 2 - Read 03 - Write 06 - Word (Read Holding Registers/ Preset Single Register - 4x)

Após esta configuração, parametrizar as tags da seguinte forma:

Tag 1: N1 = 1; N2 = 2; N3 = 0; N4 = 43;
Tag 2: N1 = 1; N2 = 2; N3 = 0; N4 = 45;
Tag 3: N1 = 1; N2 = 2; N3 = 0; N4 = 55;
Tag 4: N1 = 1; N2 = 2; N3 = 0; N4 = 48;
Tag 5: N1 = 1; N2 = 2; N3 = 0; N4 = 5082;
Tag 6: N1 = 1; N2 = 2; N3 = 0; N4 = 143;
Tag 7: N1 = 1; N2 = 2; N3 = 0; N4 = 101;

Tag 8: N1 = 1; N2 = 1; N3 = 0; N4 = 1.

Também verificar se não há outro sistema acessando o equipamento durante os testes. Um exemplo seria o domínio estar rodando enquanto testa em Studio.

Em tempo, o log que enviou não parece ser referente aos screenshots que enviou. Algo foi modificado?

Bom dia Fernando,

Grato mais uma vez pela resposta. Quanto ao log ser de outra configuração, eu creio ter pego o log correto. Enfim, fiz as alterações que você apontou e infelizmente ainda não obtive sucesso. Abaixo o log e em seguida as configurações.

Mais alguma recomendação para configuração no E3?


07/12/2017 09:58:42.309 (118C) DRIVER Driver name: Driver Modicon Modbus v3.1.30 (IOKitLib v2.0.55)
07/12/2017 09:58:42.309 (118C) DRIVER IOKitLib version 2.0.55 of Apr 1 2016 17:29:27
07/12/2017 09:58:42.309 (118C) DEBUG CModbusHost CREATED
07/12/2017 09:58:42.309 (118C) DRIVER Selected ModbusTCP protocol!
07/12/2017 09:58:42.309 (118C) DRIVER User Types file compiled successfully!
07/12/2017 09:58:42.309 (118C) DRIVER drvStartComm(0,0,0,0)
07/12/2017 09:58:42.309 (118C) DRIVER Current configuration (76 parameters):
07/12/2017 09:58:42.309 (118C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP = ‘’
07/12/2017 09:58:42.309 (118C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP2 = ‘’
07/12/2017 09:58:42.309 (118C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP3 = ‘’
07/12/2017 09:58:42.309 (118C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.ListenIP = ‘’
07/12/2017 09:58:42.309 (118C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainIP = ‘’
07/12/2017 09:58:42.309 (118C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainLocalPort = 2101
07/12/2017 09:58:42.309 (118C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainPort = 502
07/12/2017 09:58:42.309 (118C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.PingTimeoutMs = 4000
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (118C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.PingTries = 1
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (118C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.Transport = ‘TCP’
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (118C) DRIVER - IO.GiveUpTries = 1
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (118C) DRIVER - IO.Log.Enable = 1
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (118C) DRIVER - IO.Log.Filename = ‘C:\Modbus.camara.fria.log’
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (118C) DRIVER - IO.RAS.ATCommand = ‘’
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (118C) DRIVER - IO.RecoverEnable = 1
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (118C) DRIVER - IO.RecoverPeriodSec = 20
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (118C) DRIVER - IO.Serial.Baudrate = 9600
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (118C) DRIVER - IO.Serial.DataBits = 8
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (118C) DRIVER - IO.Serial.Port = 1
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (118C) DRIVER - IO.TAPI.ModemID = 4294967295
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (118C) DRIVER - IO.TAPI.PhoneNumber = ‘’
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (118C) DRIVER - IO.TimeoutMs = 1000
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (118C) DRIVER - IO.Type = ‘Ethernet’
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (118C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.ConfigFile = '[Functions]
Function: 1
Read: 4
Write: 0
Type: word
Size: 2
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0
Function: 2
Read: 3
Write: 6
Type: word
Size: 2
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0

07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (118C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.DefaultSlaveAddress = 1
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (118C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.EnableReconnectAfterTimeout = 1
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (118C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.MaxPDUSize = 253
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (118C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.ModbusMode = 2
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (118C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.Olderaddr = 1
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (118C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.ShowOperationsInTagBrowser = 1
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (118C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.UserTypesConfigFile = ‘’
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (118C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.WaitSilenceOnError = 1
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (118C) DRIVER - 44 parameters with value = 0 were omitted
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (35C4) IOKIT INITIALIZING…
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (35C4) SOCKET Winsock initialized: version=2.2, highVersion=2.2
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (35C4) IOKIT INITIALIZED!
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (35C4) IOKIT Request handler enabled
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (35C4) IOKIT CONNECTING…
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (35C4) SOCKET connecting socket to ‘’ on port 502…
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (3D3C) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (3D3C) SUPERBLOCK Tag( = Linear(1:1) (x1,00000001)
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (3D3C) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (3D3C) SUPERBLOCK Tag( = Linear(2:29) (x1,00000002)
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (118C) SUPERBLOCK Linear(1:1).Unnormalize = Tag(
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (35C4) SOCKET socket connected to ‘’ on port 502 (local port 54937)!
07/12/2017 09:58:42.325 (35C4) IOKIT CONNECTED!
07/12/2017 09:58:42.340 (35C4) IO TX: 00 00 00 00 00 06 01 04 00 00 00 01
07/12/2017 09:58:43.401 (35C4) IO RX: TIMEOUT
07/12/2017 09:58:43.401 (118C) DRIVER -> Reseting connection due to TIMEOUT…
07/12/2017 09:58:43.401 (118C) SOCKET Driver forced socket disconnection (switchover allowed)!
07/12/2017 09:58:43.401 (118C) TAG <== (1.075) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
07/12/2017 09:58:43.401 (35C4) SOCKET socket closed
07/12/2017 09:58:43.401 (35C4) IOKIT CONNECTION LOST!
07/12/2017 09:58:43.401 (35C4) IOKIT RECONNECT POSTPONED!
07/12/2017 09:58:43.401 (118C) SUPERBLOCK Linear(2:29).Unnormalize = Tag(
07/12/2017 09:58:43.401 (118C) DRIVER -> Failed, physical layer not connected!
07/12/2017 09:58:43.401 (118C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80004005)
07/12/2017 09:58:43.401 (118C) DRIVER -> Failed, physical layer not connected!
07/12/2017 09:58:43.401 (118C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80004005)
07/12/2017 09:58:43.401 (118C) DRIVER -> Failed, physical layer not connected!
07/12/2017 09:58:43.401 (118C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80004005)
07/12/2017 09:58:43.994 (118C) DRIVER drvStopComm(0,0,0,0)
07/12/2017 09:58:43.994 (118C) IOKIT Stopping physical layer thread…
07/12/2017 09:58:43.994 (118C) IOKIT Waiting for termination of physical layer thread…
07/12/2017 09:58:43.994 (35C4) IOKIT TERMINATING…
07/12/2017 09:58:43.994 (35C4) IOKIT TERMINATED! (0 bytes sent, 0 bytes received)
07/12/2017 09:58:43.994 (35C4) IOKIT Request handler disabled
07/12/2017 09:58:43.994 (118C) IOKIT Physical layer thread stopped!
07/12/2017 09:58:44.010 (118C) DEBUG CModbusHost DELETED

@Anthoni, bom dia.

Não me atentei a um detalhe no inicio do post: o conversor que está utilizando é Modbus RTU/ ModbusTCP ou Serial/Ethernet?

Sendo o segundo caso, na aba Modbus, configurar o Modbus Mode para RTU e continuar a configuração da camada física em Ethernet.

Por favor, testar.


Consegui comunicar Fernando!

No fim meu problema era falha proveniente de uma falha bem juvenil HAHAHAHA. Seguinte, o meu conversor estava trabalhando como MODBUS Master, e eu configurei o driver Master também no E3. Aí ficava difícil mesmo, alterei o driver no E3 para Slave e consegui conectar! Ainda não pego nenhum dado, mas a conexão foi bem sucedida conforme abaixo.



07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER Driver name: Driver Modicon ModbusSlave v3.1.1 (IOKitLib v2.0.39)
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER IOKitLib version 2.0.39 of Nov 26 2014 16:32:28
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER Set Slave ID: ALL
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER drvStartComm(0,0,0,0)
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER Current configuration (83 parameters):
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP = ‘’
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP2 = ‘’
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP3 = ‘’
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.ListenIP = ‘’
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainIP = ‘’
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainLocalPort = 2101
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainPort = 502
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.PingTimeoutMs = 4000
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.PingTries = 1
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.Transport = ‘TCP’
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - IO.GiveUpTries = 1
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - IO.Log.Enable = 1
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - IO.Log.Filename = ‘C:\Modbus.camara.fria.log’
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - IO.RAS.ATCommand = ‘’
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - IO.RecoverEnable = 1
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - IO.RecoverPeriodSec = 20
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - IO.Serial.Baudrate = 9600
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - IO.Serial.DataBits = 8
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - IO.Serial.Port = 1
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - IO.TAPI.ModemID = 4294967295
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - IO.TAPI.PhoneNumber = ‘’
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - IO.TimeoutMs = 1000
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - IO.Type = ‘Ethernet’
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - ModbusSlave.DataPerRegister = 10
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - ModbusSlave.HoldLatestData = 1
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - ModbusSlave.UseModbusTCP = 1
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - ModbusSlave.UseSlaveID = ‘’
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.ConfigFile = '[Functions]
Function: 1
Read: 4
Write: 0
Type: word
Size: 2
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0
Function: 2
Read: 3
Write: 6
Type: word
Size: 2
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0

07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.DefaultSlaveAddress = 2
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.EnableReconnectAfterTimeout = 1
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.MaxPDUSize = 253
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.ModbusMode = 2
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.Olderaddr = 1
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.ShowOperationsInTagBrowser = 1
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.UserTypesConfigFile = ‘’
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.WaitSilenceOnError = 1
07/12/2017 14:22:08.750 (1484) DRIVER - 47 parameters with value = 0 were omitted
07/12/2017 14:22:08.766 (3190) IOKIT INITIALIZING…
07/12/2017 14:22:08.766 (3190) SOCKET Winsock initialized: version=2.2, highVersion=2.2
07/12/2017 14:22:08.766 (3190) IOKIT INITIALIZED!
07/12/2017 14:22:08.766 (3190) IOKIT Request handler enabled
07/12/2017 14:22:08.766 (3190) IOKIT CONNECTING…
07/12/2017 14:22:08.766 (3190) SOCKET connecting socket to ‘’ on port 502…
07/12/2017 14:22:08.766 (3190) SOCKET socket connected to ‘’ on port 502 (local port 59732)!
07/12/2017 14:22:08.766 (3190) IOKIT CONNECTED!
07/12/2017 14:22:16.394 (3734) DRIVER drvGetStatus(‘LOGFILE’) = ‘C:\Modbus.camara.fria.log’
07/12/2017 14:22:16.394 (3734) DRIVER drvGetStatus(‘LOG’) = 1 (ON)
07/12/2017 14:22:16.534 (3190) IO RX: FF FF TIMEOUT
07/12/2017 14:22:18.906 (1C20) DRIVER Driver name: Driver Modicon ModbusSlave v3.1.1 (IOKitLib v2.0.39)
07/12/2017 14:22:18.906 (1C20) DRIVER IOKitLib version 2.0.39 of Nov 26 2014 16:32:28
07/12/2017 14:22:18.906 (1C20) DRIVER Set Slave ID: ALL
07/12/2017 14:22:18.906 (1C20) DRIVER drvStartComm(0,0,0,0)
07/12/2017 14:22:18.906 (1C20) DRIVER Current configuration (83 parameters):
07/12/2017 14:22:18.906 (1C20) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP = ‘’
07/12/2017 14:22:18.906 (1C20) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP2 = ‘’
07/12/2017 14:22:18.906 (1C20) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP3 = ‘’
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.ListenIP = ‘’
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainIP = ‘’
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainLocalPort = 2101
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainPort = 502
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.PingTimeoutMs = 4000
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.PingTries = 1
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.Transport = ‘TCP’
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - IO.GiveUpTries = 1
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - IO.Log.Enable = 1
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - IO.Log.Filename = ‘C:\Modbus.camara.fria.log’
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - IO.RAS.ATCommand = ‘’
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - IO.RecoverEnable = 1
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - IO.RecoverPeriodSec = 20
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - IO.Serial.Baudrate = 9600
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - IO.Serial.DataBits = 8
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - IO.Serial.Port = 1
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - IO.TAPI.ModemID = 4294967295
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - IO.TAPI.PhoneNumber = ‘’
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - IO.TimeoutMs = 1000
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - IO.Type = ‘Ethernet’
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - ModbusSlave.DataPerRegister = 10
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - ModbusSlave.HoldLatestData = 1
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - ModbusSlave.UseModbusTCP = 1
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - ModbusSlave.UseSlaveID = ‘’
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.ConfigFile = '[Functions]
Function: 1
Read: 4
Write: 0
Type: word
Size: 2
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0
Function: 2
Read: 3
Write: 6
Type: word
Size: 2
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0

07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.DefaultSlaveAddress = 2
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.EnableReconnectAfterTimeout = 1
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.MaxPDUSize = 253
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.ModbusMode = 2
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.Olderaddr = 1
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.ShowOperationsInTagBrowser = 1
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.UserTypesConfigFile = ‘’
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.WaitSilenceOnError = 1
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (1C20) DRIVER - 47 parameters with value = 0 were omitted
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (2258) IOKIT INITIALIZING…
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (2258) SOCKET Winsock initialized: version=2.2, highVersion=2.2
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (2258) IOKIT INITIALIZED!
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (2258) IOKIT Request handler enabled
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (2258) IOKIT CONNECTING…
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (2258) SOCKET connecting socket to ‘’ on port 502…
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (33AC) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (33AC) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (33AC) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (33AC) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (33AC) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (33AC) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (2258) SOCKET socket connected to ‘’ on port 502 (local port 59739)!
07/12/2017 14:22:18.921 (2258) IOKIT CONNECTED!
07/12/2017 14:22:18.937 (1C20) DRIVER New Slave ID 1 was been created with success
07/12/2017 14:22:18.937 (1C20) TAG <== (0.019) Tag( = (14:22:18.921) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:18.937 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:18.937) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:18.937 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:18.937) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:18.937 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:18.937) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:18.937 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:18.937) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:18.937 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:18.937) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:20.029 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:20.029) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:20.029 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:20.029) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:20.029 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:20.029) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:20.029 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:20.029) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:20.029 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:20.029) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:20.029 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:20.029) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:21.012 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:21.012) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:21.012 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:21.012) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:21.012 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:21.012) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:21.012 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:21.012) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:21.012 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:21.012) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:21.012 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:21.012) 0 FF TIMEOUT
07/12/2017 14:22:21.995 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:21.995) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:21.995 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:21.995) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:21.995 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:21.995) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:21.995 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:21.995) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:21.995 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:21.995) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:21.995 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:21.995) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:22.977 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:22.977) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:22.977 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:22.977) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:22.977 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:22.977) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:22.977 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:22.977) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:22.977 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:22.977) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:22.977 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:22.977) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:23.742 (3734) DRIVER drvGetStatus(‘LOGFILE’) = ‘C:\Modbus.camara.fria.log’
07/12/2017 14:22:23.742 (3734) DRIVER drvGetStatus(‘LOG’) = 1 (ON)
07/12/2017 14:22:23.960 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:23.960) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:23.960 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:23.960) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:23.960 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:23.960) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:23.960 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:23.960) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:23.960 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:23.960) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:23.960 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:23.960) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:24.943 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:24.943) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:24.943 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:24.943) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:24.943 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:24.943) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:24.943 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:24.943) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:24.943 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:24.943) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:24.943 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:24.943) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:25.926 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:25.926) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:25.926 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:25.926) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:25.926 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:25.926) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:25.926 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:25.926) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:25.926 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:25.926) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:25.926 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:25.926) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:27.018 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:27.018) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:27.018 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:27.018) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:27.018 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:27.018) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:27.018 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:27.018) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:27.018 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:27.018) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:27.018 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:27.018) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:28.001 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:28.001) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:28.001 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:28.001) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:28.001 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:28.001) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:28.001 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:28.001) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:28.001 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:28.001) 0
07/12/2017 14:22:28.001 (1C20) TAG <== (0.000) Tag( = (14:22:28.001) 0

Nunca configurei um driver SLAVE, alguma recomendação para verificar se os dados estão normais?


@Anthoni, teria como detalhar um pouco sobra a arquitetura do sistema e o modelo do CLP? Acredito que a utilização do Modbus Slave neste caso não se aplica.

O que tenho é um CLP da Carel com saida em modbus RTU passando por um conversor RTU/TCP SafeSoft atuando como servidor. No caso o E3 seria o cliente correto? Por isso a configuração do E3 como modbus Slave.


@Anthoni, pelo que verifiquei no datasheet do conversor CES-0200, a conversão interna de RTU para TCP é transparente, ou seja, a função Master/Slave do protocolo do CLP mantém o mesmo.

Sendo assim, acredito que o CLP esteja funcionando como Modbus Slave devido às características da rede (o CLP fornece os dados ao supervisório).

Desta forma, respondendo à pergunta, sim, o E3 irá funcionar como um cliente do sistema, posto que o CLP será o provedor de dados. Então será necessário utilizar um Modbus Master, pois este irá requisitar os dados do CLP.

A arquitetura fica assim:

A configuração do Driver Modbus no E3 ficaria:

  • Aba Modbus:

  • Aba Operations:

  • Aba Setup:

E na aba Ethernet manter a configuração do IP.


Bom dia Fernando,

Mais uma vez obrigado pelas respostas. Não tive mais oportunidade de seguir com o trabalho até agora, voltei agora pela manhã e infelizmente não obtive sucesso com a configuração nesta forma passada.

Meu driver de configuração está exatamente conforme o demonstrado acima. A aba Ethernet segue para verificação, apesar de não haver muito segredo nesse caso.

Estou relativamente perdido no que posso fazer agora, estava crente que tinha encontrado algo trabalhando com o driver Slave, até por que com ele eu consegui comunicação (ou aparentemente ao menos conforme print acima).

Segue o log da última tentativa.

11/12/2017 10:04:49.338 (2248) DRIVER Driver name: Driver Modicon Modbus v3.1.36 (IOKitLib v2.0.77)
11/12/2017 10:04:49.338 (2248) DRIVER IOKitLib version 2.0.77 of Mar 17 2017 09:53:47
11/12/2017 10:04:49.338 (2248) DEBUG CModbusHost CREATED
11/12/2017 10:04:49.338 (2248) DRIVER Selected ModbusTCP protocol!
11/12/2017 10:04:49.338 (2248) DRIVER User Types file compiled successfully!
11/12/2017 10:04:49.338 (2248) DRIVER drvStartComm(0,0,0,0)
11/12/2017 10:04:49.338 (2248) DRIVER Current configuration (83 parameters):
11/12/2017 10:04:49.338 (2248) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP = ‘’
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP2 = ‘’
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP3 = ‘’
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.ListenIP = ‘’
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainIP = ‘’
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainLocalPort = 2101
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainPort = 502
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.PingTimeoutMs = 4000
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.PingTries = 1
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.Transport = ‘TCP’
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - IO.GiveUpTries = 1
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - IO.Log.Enable = 1
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - IO.Log.Filename = ‘C:\Modbus.camara.fria.log’
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - IO.RAS.ATCommand = ‘’
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - IO.RecoverEnable = 1
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - IO.RecoverPeriodSec = 20
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - IO.Serial.Baudrate = 9600
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - IO.Serial.DataBits = 8
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - IO.Serial.Port = 1
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - IO.TAPI.ModemID = 4294967295
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - IO.TAPI.PhoneNumber = ‘’
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - IO.TimeoutMs = 1000
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - IO.Type = ‘Ethernet’
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - ModbusSlave.DataPerRegister = 10
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - ModbusSlave.HoldLatestData = 1
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - ModbusSlave.UseModbusTCP = 1
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - ModbusSlave.UseSlaveID = ‘’
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.ConfigFile = '[Functions]
Function: 1
Read: 4
Write: 0
Type: word
Size: 2
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0
Function: 2
Read: 3
Write: 6
Type: word
Size: 2
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0

11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.DefaultSlaveAddress = 1
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.EnableReconnectAfterTimeout = 1
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.MaxPDUSize = 253
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.ModbusMode = 2
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.Olderaddr = 1
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.UserTypesConfigFile = ‘’
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.WaitSilenceOnError = 1
11/12/2017 10:04:49.339 (2248) DRIVER - 48 parameters with value = 0 were omitted
11/12/2017 10:04:49.340 (3240) IOKIT INITIALIZING…
11/12/2017 10:04:49.341 (3240) SOCKET Winsock initialized: version=2.2, highVersion=2.2
11/12/2017 10:04:49.341 (3240) IOKIT INITIALIZED!
11/12/2017 10:04:49.341 (3240) IOKIT Request handler enabled
11/12/2017 10:04:49.341 (3240) IOKIT CONNECTING…
11/12/2017 10:04:49.341 (3240) SOCKET connecting socket to ‘’ on port 502…
11/12/2017 10:04:49.341 (2C30) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
11/12/2017 10:04:49.341 (2C30) SUPERBLOCK Tag( = Linear(1:1) (x1,00000001)
11/12/2017 10:04:49.341 (2C30) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
11/12/2017 10:04:49.341 (2C30) SUPERBLOCK Tag( = Linear(1:2) (x1,00000001)
11/12/2017 10:04:49.341 (2C30) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
11/12/2017 10:04:49.341 (2C30) SUPERBLOCK Tag( = Linear(1:3) (x1,00000001)
11/12/2017 10:04:49.341 (2C30) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
11/12/2017 10:04:49.341 (2C30) SUPERBLOCK Tag( = Linear(1:4) (x1,00000001)
11/12/2017 10:04:49.341 (2C30) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
11/12/2017 10:04:49.341 (2C30) SUPERBLOCK Tag( = Linear(1:5) (x1,00000001)
11/12/2017 10:04:49.341 (2C30) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
11/12/2017 10:04:49.341 (2C30) SUPERBLOCK Tag( = Linear(1:6) (x1,00000001)
11/12/2017 10:04:49.341 (2C30) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
11/12/2017 10:04:49.341 (2C30) SUPERBLOCK Tag( = Linear(1:7) (x1,00000001)
11/12/2017 10:04:49.341 (2C30) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
11/12/2017 10:04:49.342 (2C30) SUPERBLOCK Tag( = Linear(1:8) (x1,00000001)
11/12/2017 10:04:49.342 (2248) SUPERBLOCK Linear(1:1).Unnormalize = Tag(
11/12/2017 10:04:49.347 (3240) SOCKET socket connected to ‘’ on port 502 (local port 58469)!
11/12/2017 10:04:49.347 (3240) IOKIT CONNECTED!
11/12/2017 10:04:49.353 (3240) IO TX: 00 00 00 00 00 06 01 04 00 00 00 08
11/12/2017 10:04:50.894 (3240) IO RX: 00
11/12/2017 10:04:50.894 (3240) IO RX: TIMEOUT
11/12/2017 10:04:50.894 (2248) DRIVER -> Reseting connection due to TIMEOUT…
11/12/2017 10:04:50.894 (2248) SOCKET Driver forced socket disconnection (switchover allowed)!
11/12/2017 10:04:50.894 (2248) TAG <== (1.552) Tag([8]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
11/12/2017 10:04:50.894 (3240) SOCKET socket closed
11/12/2017 10:04:50.894 (3240) IOKIT CONNECTION LOST!
11/12/2017 10:04:50.894 (3240) IOKIT RECONNECT POSTPONED!
11/12/2017 10:04:50.912 (2248) DRIVER -> Failed, physical layer not connected!
11/12/2017 10:04:50.912 (2248) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([8]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80004005)
11/12/2017 10:04:51.413 (2248) DRIVER -> Failed, physical layer not connected!
11/12/2017 10:04:51.413 (2248) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([8]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80004005)
11/12/2017 10:04:52.413 (2248) DRIVER -> Failed, physical layer not connected!
11/12/2017 10:04:52.413 (2248) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([8]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80004005)
11/12/2017 10:04:53.112 (2248) DRIVER drvStopComm(0,0,0,0)
11/12/2017 10:04:53.112 (2248) IOKIT Stopping physical layer thread…
11/12/2017 10:04:53.112 (2248) IOKIT Waiting for termination of physical layer thread…
11/12/2017 10:04:53.112 (3240) IOKIT TERMINATING…
11/12/2017 10:04:53.113 (3240) IOKIT TERMINATED! (0 bytes sent, 0 bytes received)
11/12/2017 10:04:53.113 (3240) IOKIT Request handler disabled
11/12/2017 10:04:53.113 (2248) IOKIT Physical layer thread stopped!
11/12/2017 10:04:53.113 (2248) DEBUG CModbusHost DELETED

Algum novo passo?


@Anthoni, bom dia.

Sem problemas.


Tem algumas informações no log que, para mim, não estão fazendo sentido. Como essas linhas:

Sendo assim, antes de iniciarmos os testes, por favor, teria como criar um novo driver “do zero” com a DLL Modbus Master?

Após esta parte, vamos fazer os seguintes testes:

  1. Desabilitar a troca de protocolo do conversor. Ao invés de transformar o RTU em TCP pelo conversor, vamos mantê-lo RTU e configurar o driver em RTU através de Ethernet e ver se funciona.

  2. Caso o item 1 não funcione e tenha a possibilidade de conectar o equipamento diretamente ao servidor via Serial, testar a conexão com o protocolo em RTU e meio físico Serial.

Obs.1: Qual é o modelo do PLC? Tem manual?

Obs.2: Diminuir para 5 segundos o Retry failed connection every x seconds (aba Setup).

Obs.3: Habilitar os logs de ambos os testes.

Fico à disposição.


Boa tarde Fernando,

Segui suas instruções e fiz tudo do zero. Houveram de fato algumas mudanças no arquivo de logs. Segue abaixo tentativa em RTU, em sequência a tentativa TCP. E por fim o manual do PLC conforme requisitado.


11/12/2017 15:06:16.566 (40CC) DRIVER Driver name: Driver Modicon Modbus v3.1.36 (IOKitLib v2.0.77)
11/12/2017 15:06:16.566 (40CC) DRIVER IOKitLib version 2.0.77 of Mar 17 2017 09:53:47
11/12/2017 15:06:16.566 (40CC) DEBUG CModbusHost CREATED
11/12/2017 15:06:16.566 (40CC) DRIVER Selected RTU mode!
11/12/2017 15:06:16.566 (40CC) DRIVER Warning: Ethernet layer being used without ModbusTCP protocol!
11/12/2017 15:06:16.566 (40CC) DRIVER User Types file compiled successfully!
11/12/2017 15:06:16.566 (40CC) DRIVER drvStartComm(0,0,0,0)
11/12/2017 15:06:16.566 (40CC) DRIVER Current configuration (76 parameters):
11/12/2017 15:06:16.567 (40CC) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP = ‘’
11/12/2017 15:06:16.567 (40CC) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP2 = ‘’
11/12/2017 15:06:16.567 (40CC) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP3 = ‘’
11/12/2017 15:06:16.567 (40CC) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.ListenIP = ‘’
11/12/2017 15:06:16.567 (40CC) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainIP = ‘’
11/12/2017 15:06:16.567 (40CC) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainPort = 502
11/12/2017 15:06:16.567 (40CC) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.PingTimeoutMs = 4000
11/12/2017 15:06:16.567 (40CC) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.PingTries = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:16.567 (40CC) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.Transport = ‘TCP’
11/12/2017 15:06:16.567 (40CC) DRIVER - IO.GiveUpTries = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:16.567 (40CC) DRIVER - IO.Log.Enable = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:16.567 (40CC) DRIVER - IO.Log.Filename = ‘C:\TesteCFRIARTU4.log’
11/12/2017 15:06:16.567 (40CC) DRIVER - IO.RAS.ATCommand = ‘’
11/12/2017 15:06:16.567 (40CC) DRIVER - IO.RecoverEnable = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:16.567 (40CC) DRIVER - IO.RecoverPeriodSec = 20
11/12/2017 15:06:16.567 (40CC) DRIVER - IO.Serial.Baudrate = 9600
11/12/2017 15:06:16.567 (40CC) DRIVER - IO.Serial.DataBits = 8
11/12/2017 15:06:16.567 (40CC) DRIVER - IO.Serial.Port = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:16.567 (40CC) DRIVER - IO.TAPI.ModemID = 4294967295
11/12/2017 15:06:16.567 (40CC) DRIVER - IO.TAPI.PhoneNumber = ‘’
11/12/2017 15:06:16.567 (40CC) DRIVER - IO.TimeoutMs = 1000
11/12/2017 15:06:16.567 (40CC) DRIVER - IO.Type = ‘Ethernet’
11/12/2017 15:06:16.567 (40CC) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.ConfigFile = '[Functions]
Function: 1
Read: 4
Write: 0
Type: word
Size: 2
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0
Function: 2
Read: 3
Write: 6
Type: word
Size: 2
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0

11/12/2017 15:06:16.567 (40CC) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.DefaultSlaveAddress = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:16.567 (40CC) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.EnableGenSOERegGrouping = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:16.567 (40CC) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.MaxPDUSize = 253
11/12/2017 15:06:16.567 (40CC) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.Olderaddr = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:16.567 (40CC) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.UserTypesConfigFile = '// USER DEFINED TYPES SAMPLE CONFIG FILE

// The samples below illustrate how to create user defined structs, using the driver built-in types (note the built-in
// types must be entered with the same keywords used in the Data combobox of the operations).
// The new user types can afterwards be used in the same way as the other built-in types in the Data combobox.

/* Sample types entirely commented by default

struct TYPE1 // TYPE 1 - declares struct with elements with no name, and no timestamp

// TYPE2 declares named elements, and includes a timestamp of GenTime type. The named elements can then be
// loaded to the user application using E3 Tag Browser.

// NOTE: the timestamp value will not be returned on a block element, but rather returned on the timestamp property
// of the block type tag. The order in which the timestamp appears within the structure is related to the order
// in which this field appears within the data area of the received protocol frame (usually the first field).

struct TYPE2
timestamp = GenTime; // this time field will be returned in the block’s timestamp field
GenTime timeField; // this time field will be returned in the block’s first element
dword dwordField;

struct TYPE3 // this type has a timestamp of type UTC32 and some named elements
DefaultAddress = 0x101;
timestamp = UTC32;
float Va;
float Vb;
float Vc;
float Ia;
float Ib;
float Ic;

11/12/2017 15:06:16.567 (40CC) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.WaitSilenceOnError = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:16.567 (40CC) DRIVER - 47 parameters with value = 0 were omitted
11/12/2017 15:06:16.568 (4B9C) IOKIT INITIALIZING…
11/12/2017 15:06:16.568 (4B9C) SOCKET Winsock initialized: version=2.2, highVersion=2.2
11/12/2017 15:06:16.568 (4B9C) IOKIT INITIALIZED!
11/12/2017 15:06:16.568 (4B9C) IOKIT Request handler enabled
11/12/2017 15:06:16.568 (4B9C) IOKIT CONNECTING…
11/12/2017 15:06:16.568 (4B9C) SOCKET connecting socket to ‘’ on port 502…
11/12/2017 15:06:16.573 (4B9C) SOCKET socket connected to ‘’ on port 502 (local port 64450)!
11/12/2017 15:06:16.573 (4B9C) IOKIT CONNECTED!
11/12/2017 15:06:19.150 (1864) DRIVER Driver name: Driver Modicon Modbus v3.1.36 (IOKitLib v2.0.77)
11/12/2017 15:06:19.150 (1864) DRIVER IOKitLib version 2.0.77 of Mar 17 2017 09:53:47
11/12/2017 15:06:19.150 (1864) DEBUG CModbusHost CREATED
11/12/2017 15:06:19.150 (1864) DRIVER Selected RTU mode!
11/12/2017 15:06:19.150 (1864) DRIVER Warning: Ethernet layer being used without ModbusTCP protocol!
11/12/2017 15:06:19.151 (1864) DRIVER User Types file compiled successfully!
11/12/2017 15:06:19.151 (1864) DRIVER drvStartComm(0,0,0,0)
11/12/2017 15:06:19.151 (1864) DRIVER Current configuration (76 parameters):
11/12/2017 15:06:19.151 (1864) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP = ‘’
11/12/2017 15:06:19.151 (1864) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP2 = ‘’
11/12/2017 15:06:19.151 (1864) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP3 = ‘’
11/12/2017 15:06:19.151 (1864) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.ListenIP = ‘’
11/12/2017 15:06:19.151 (1864) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainIP = ‘’
11/12/2017 15:06:19.151 (1864) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainPort = 502
11/12/2017 15:06:19.151 (1864) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.PingTimeoutMs = 4000
11/12/2017 15:06:19.151 (1864) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.PingTries = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:19.151 (1864) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.Transport = ‘TCP’
11/12/2017 15:06:19.151 (1864) DRIVER - IO.GiveUpTries = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:19.151 (1864) DRIVER - IO.Log.Enable = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:19.151 (1864) DRIVER - IO.Log.Filename = ‘C:\TesteCFRIARTU4.log’
11/12/2017 15:06:19.151 (1864) DRIVER - IO.RAS.ATCommand = ‘’
11/12/2017 15:06:19.151 (1864) DRIVER - IO.RecoverEnable = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:19.151 (1864) DRIVER - IO.RecoverPeriodSec = 20
11/12/2017 15:06:19.151 (1864) DRIVER - IO.Serial.Baudrate = 9600
11/12/2017 15:06:19.151 (1864) DRIVER - IO.Serial.DataBits = 8
11/12/2017 15:06:19.152 (1864) DRIVER - IO.Serial.Port = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:19.152 (1864) DRIVER - IO.TAPI.ModemID = 4294967295
11/12/2017 15:06:19.152 (1864) DRIVER - IO.TAPI.PhoneNumber = ‘’
11/12/2017 15:06:19.152 (1864) DRIVER - IO.TimeoutMs = 1000
11/12/2017 15:06:19.152 (1864) DRIVER - IO.Type = ‘Ethernet’
11/12/2017 15:06:19.152 (1864) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.ConfigFile = '[Functions]
Function: 1
Read: 4
Write: 0
Type: word
Size: 2
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0
Function: 2
Read: 3
Write: 6
Type: word
Size: 2
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0

11/12/2017 15:06:19.152 (1864) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.DefaultSlaveAddress = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:19.152 (1864) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.EnableGenSOERegGrouping = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:19.152 (1864) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.MaxPDUSize = 253
11/12/2017 15:06:19.152 (1864) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.Olderaddr = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:19.152 (1864) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.UserTypesConfigFile = '// USER DEFINED TYPES SAMPLE CONFIG FILE

// The samples below illustrate how to create user defined structs, using the driver built-in types (note the built-in
// types must be entered with the same keywords used in the Data combobox of the operations).
// The new user types can afterwards be used in the same way as the other built-in types in the Data combobox.

/* Sample types entirely commented by default

struct TYPE1 // TYPE 1 - declares struct with elements with no name, and no timestamp

// TYPE2 declares named elements, and includes a timestamp of GenTime type. The named elements can then be
// loaded to the user application using E3 Tag Browser.

// NOTE: the timestamp value will not be returned on a block element, but rather returned on the timestamp property
// of the block type tag. The order in which the timestamp appears within the structure is related to the order
// in which this field appears within the data area of the received protocol frame (usually the first field).

struct TYPE2
timestamp = GenTime; // this time field will be returned in the block’s timestamp field
GenTime timeField; // this time field will be returned in the block’s first element
dword dwordField;

struct TYPE3 // this type has a timestamp of type UTC32 and some named elements
DefaultAddress = 0x101;
timestamp = UTC32;
float Va;
float Vb;
float Vc;
float Ia;
float Ib;
float Ic;

11/12/2017 15:06:19.152 (1864) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.WaitSilenceOnError = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:19.152 (1864) DRIVER - 47 parameters with value = 0 were omitted
11/12/2017 15:06:19.153 (18B8) IOKIT INITIALIZING…
11/12/2017 15:06:19.153 (18B8) SOCKET Winsock initialized: version=2.2, highVersion=2.2
11/12/2017 15:06:19.153 (18B8) IOKIT INITIALIZED!
11/12/2017 15:06:19.153 (18B8) IOKIT Request handler enabled
11/12/2017 15:06:19.153 (18B8) IOKIT CONNECTING…
11/12/2017 15:06:19.153 (18B8) SOCKET connecting socket to ‘’ on port 502…
11/12/2017 15:06:19.154 (2B44) TAG Tag({1:}‘hr101’).Validate = Tag({1:}‘hr101’.Blob:005CDC90) (type=10;flags=9)
11/12/2017 15:06:19.154 (2B44) TAG Tag({1:}‘hr101.dword’).Validate = Tag({1:}‘hr101.dword’.Blob:005CD8E8) (type=10;flags=9)
11/12/2017 15:06:19.154 (2B44) TAG Tag({1:}‘hr101.int16’).Validate = Tag({1:}‘hr101.int16’.Blob:005CD818) (type=10;flags=9)
11/12/2017 15:06:19.154 (2B44) TAG Tag({1:}‘hr101.int32’).Validate = Tag({1:}‘hr101.int32’.Blob:005CD880) (type=10;flags=9)
11/12/2017 15:06:19.154 (2B44) TAG Tag({1:}‘hr101.float’).Validate = Tag({1:}‘hr101.float’.Blob:005CDAF0) (type=10;flags=9)
11/12/2017 15:06:19.154 (2B44) TAG Tag({1:}‘cl1000’).Validate = Tag({1:}‘cl1000’.Blob:005CDB58) (type=10;flags=9)
11/12/2017 15:06:19.155 (2B44) TAG Tag({1:}‘di1000’).Validate = Tag({1:}‘di1000’.Blob:005CD5A8) (type=10;flags=9)
11/12/2017 15:06:19.155 (2B44) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
11/12/2017 15:06:19.155 (2B44) SUPERBLOCK Tag( = Linear(1:1) (x1,00000001)
11/12/2017 15:06:19.155 (2B44) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
11/12/2017 15:06:19.155 (2B44) SUPERBLOCK Tag( = Linear(1:8) (x1,00000001)
11/12/2017 15:06:19.158 (18B8) SOCKET socket connected to ‘’ on port 502 (local port 64452)!
11/12/2017 15:06:19.158 (18B8) IOKIT CONNECTED!
11/12/2017 15:06:19.166 (18B8) IO TX: 01 03 00 64 00 01 C5 D5
11/12/2017 15:06:20.169 (18B8) IO RX: TIMEOUT
11/12/2017 15:06:20.169 (1864) TAG <== (1.014) Tag({1:}‘hr101’.Blob:005CDC90).ReadValue = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
11/12/2017 15:06:20.186 (18B8) IO TX: 01 03 00 64 00 02 85 D4
11/12/2017 15:06:21.189 (18B8) IO RX: TIMEOUT
11/12/2017 15:06:21.189 (1864) TAG <== (1.002) Tag({1:}‘hr101.dword’.Blob:005CD8E8).ReadValue = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
11/12/2017 15:06:21.189 (18B8) IO TX: 01 03 00 64 00 01 C5 D5
11/12/2017 15:06:22.193 (18B8) IO RX: TIMEOUT
11/12/2017 15:06:22.193 (1864) TAG <== (1.004) Tag({1:}‘hr101.int16’.Blob:005CD818).ReadValue = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
11/12/2017 15:06:22.193 (18B8) IO TX: 01 03 00 64 00 02 85 D4
11/12/2017 15:06:23.196 (18B8) IO RX: TIMEOUT
11/12/2017 15:06:23.196 (1864) TAG <== (1.003) Tag({1:}‘hr101.int32’.Blob:005CD880).ReadValue = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
11/12/2017 15:06:23.196 (18B8) IO TX: 01 03 00 64 00 02 85 D4
11/12/2017 15:06:24.199 (18B8) IO RX: TIMEOUT
11/12/2017 15:06:24.199 (1864) TAG <== (1.002) Tag({1:}‘hr101.float’.Blob:005CDAF0).ReadValue = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
11/12/2017 15:06:24.199 (18B8) IO TX: 01 01 03 E7 00 01 4D B9
11/12/2017 15:06:25.201 (18B8) IO RX: TIMEOUT
11/12/2017 15:06:25.201 (1864) TAG <== (1.002) Tag({1:}‘cl1000’.Blob:005CDB58).ReadValue = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
11/12/2017 15:06:25.201 (18B8) IO TX: 01 02 03 E7 00 01 09 B9
11/12/2017 15:06:26.251 (18B8) IO RX: TIMEOUT
11/12/2017 15:06:26.251 (1864) TAG <== (1.050) Tag({1:}‘di1000’.Blob:005CD5A8).ReadValue = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
11/12/2017 15:06:26.251 (1864) SUPERBLOCK Linear(1:1).Unnormalize = Tag(
11/12/2017 15:06:26.251 (18B8) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 08 F1 CC
11/12/2017 15:06:27.256 (18B8) IO RX: TIMEOUT
11/12/2017 15:06:27.256 (1864) TAG <== (1.005) Tag([8]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
11/12/2017 15:06:27.256 (18B8) IO TX: 01 03 00 64 00 01 C5 D5
11/12/2017 15:06:28.260 (18B8) IO RX: TIMEOUT
11/12/2017 15:06:28.260 (1864) TAG <== (1.003) Tag({1:}‘hr101’.Blob:005CDC90).ReadValue = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
11/12/2017 15:06:28.260 (1864) DRIVER drvStopComm(0,0,0,0)
11/12/2017 15:06:28.260 (1864) IOKIT Stopping physical layer thread…
11/12/2017 15:06:28.260 (1864) IOKIT Waiting for termination of physical layer thread…
11/12/2017 15:06:28.260 (18B8) SOCKET socket closed
11/12/2017 15:06:28.260 (18B8) IOKIT TERMINATING…
11/12/2017 15:06:28.261 (18B8) IOKIT TERMINATED! (0 bytes sent, 0 bytes received)
11/12/2017 15:06:28.261 (18B8) IOKIT Request handler disabled
11/12/2017 15:06:28.261 (1864) IOKIT Physical layer thread stopped!
11/12/2017 15:06:28.261 (1864) DEBUG CModbusHost DELETED

11/12/2017 15:06:48.846 (40CC) DRIVER drvStopComm(0,0,0,0)
11/12/2017 15:06:48.846 (40CC) IOKIT Stopping physical layer thread…
11/12/2017 15:06:48.846 (40CC) IOKIT Waiting for termination of physical layer thread…
11/12/2017 15:06:48.846 (4B9C) SOCKET socket closed
11/12/2017 15:06:48.846 (4B9C) IOKIT TERMINATING…
11/12/2017 15:06:48.846 (4B9C) IOKIT TERMINATED! (0 bytes sent, 0 bytes received)
11/12/2017 15:06:48.846 (4B9C) IOKIT Request handler disabled
11/12/2017 15:06:48.846 (40CC) IOKIT Physical layer thread stopped!
11/12/2017 15:06:48.846 (40CC) DEBUG CModbusHost DELETED


11/12/2017 15:06:49.041 (2E1C) DRIVER Driver name: Driver Modicon Modbus v3.1.36 (IOKitLib v2.0.77)
11/12/2017 15:06:49.041 (2E1C) DRIVER IOKitLib version 2.0.77 of Mar 17 2017 09:53:47
11/12/2017 15:06:49.043 (2E1C) DEBUG CModbusHost CREATED
11/12/2017 15:06:49.043 (2E1C) DRIVER Selected ModbusTCP protocol!
11/12/2017 15:06:49.043 (2E1C) DRIVER User Types file compiled successfully!
11/12/2017 15:06:49.043 (2E1C) DRIVER drvStartComm(0,0,0,0)
11/12/2017 15:06:49.043 (2E1C) DRIVER Current configuration (76 parameters):
11/12/2017 15:06:49.043 (2E1C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP = ‘’
11/12/2017 15:06:49.043 (2E1C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP2 = ‘’
11/12/2017 15:06:49.043 (2E1C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP3 = ‘’
11/12/2017 15:06:49.043 (2E1C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.ListenIP = ‘’
11/12/2017 15:06:49.043 (2E1C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainIP = ‘’
11/12/2017 15:06:49.043 (2E1C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainPort = 502
11/12/2017 15:06:49.043 (2E1C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.PingTimeoutMs = 4000
11/12/2017 15:06:49.043 (2E1C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.PingTries = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:49.043 (2E1C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.Transport = ‘TCP’
11/12/2017 15:06:49.043 (2E1C) DRIVER - IO.GiveUpTries = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:49.043 (2E1C) DRIVER - IO.Log.Enable = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:49.043 (2E1C) DRIVER - IO.Log.Filename = ‘C:\TesteCFRIATCP4.log’
11/12/2017 15:06:49.043 (2E1C) DRIVER - IO.RAS.ATCommand = ‘’
11/12/2017 15:06:49.043 (2E1C) DRIVER - IO.RecoverEnable = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:49.043 (2E1C) DRIVER - IO.RecoverPeriodSec = 20
11/12/2017 15:06:49.043 (2E1C) DRIVER - IO.Serial.Baudrate = 9600
11/12/2017 15:06:49.043 (2E1C) DRIVER - IO.Serial.DataBits = 8
11/12/2017 15:06:49.044 (2E1C) DRIVER - IO.Serial.Port = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:49.044 (2E1C) DRIVER - IO.TAPI.ModemID = 4294967295
11/12/2017 15:06:49.044 (2E1C) DRIVER - IO.TAPI.PhoneNumber = ‘’
11/12/2017 15:06:49.044 (2E1C) DRIVER - IO.TimeoutMs = 1000
11/12/2017 15:06:49.044 (2E1C) DRIVER - IO.Type = ‘Ethernet’
11/12/2017 15:06:49.044 (2E1C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.ConfigFile = '[Functions]
Function: 1
Read: 4
Write: 0
Type: word
Size: 2
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0
Function: 2
Read: 3
Write: 6
Type: word
Size: 2
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0

11/12/2017 15:06:49.044 (2E1C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.DefaultSlaveAddress = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:49.044 (2E1C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.EnableGenSOERegGrouping = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:49.044 (2E1C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.MaxPDUSize = 253
11/12/2017 15:06:49.044 (2E1C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.ModbusMode = 2
11/12/2017 15:06:49.044 (2E1C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.Olderaddr = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:49.044 (2E1C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.UserTypesConfigFile = '// USER DEFINED TYPES SAMPLE CONFIG FILE

// The samples below illustrate how to create user defined structs, using the driver built-in types (note the built-in
// types must be entered with the same keywords used in the Data combobox of the operations).
// The new user types can afterwards be used in the same way as the other built-in types in the Data combobox.

/* Sample types entirely commented by default

struct TYPE1 // TYPE 1 - declares struct with elements with no name, and no timestamp

// TYPE2 declares named elements, and includes a timestamp of GenTime type. The named elements can then be
// loaded to the user application using E3 Tag Browser.

// NOTE: the timestamp value will not be returned on a block element, but rather returned on the timestamp property
// of the block type tag. The order in which the timestamp appears within the structure is related to the order
// in which this field appears within the data area of the received protocol frame (usually the first field).

struct TYPE2
timestamp = GenTime; // this time field will be returned in the block’s timestamp field
GenTime timeField; // this time field will be returned in the block’s first element
dword dwordField;

struct TYPE3 // this type has a timestamp of type UTC32 and some named elements
DefaultAddress = 0x101;
timestamp = UTC32;
float Va;
float Vb;
float Vc;
float Ia;
float Ib;
float Ic;

11/12/2017 15:06:49.044 (2E1C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.WaitSilenceOnError = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:49.044 (2E1C) DRIVER - 46 parameters with value = 0 were omitted
11/12/2017 15:06:49.045 (1E20) IOKIT INITIALIZING…
11/12/2017 15:06:49.045 (1E20) SOCKET Winsock initialized: version=2.2, highVersion=2.2
11/12/2017 15:06:49.045 (1E20) IOKIT INITIALIZED!
11/12/2017 15:06:49.045 (1E20) IOKIT Request handler enabled
11/12/2017 15:06:49.045 (1E20) IOKIT CONNECTING…
11/12/2017 15:06:49.045 (1E20) SOCKET connecting socket to ‘’ on port 502…
11/12/2017 15:06:49.049 (1E20) SOCKET socket connected to ‘’ on port 502 (local port 64459)!
11/12/2017 15:06:49.049 (1E20) IOKIT CONNECTED!
11/12/2017 15:06:53.549 (32E4) DRIVER Driver name: Driver Modicon Modbus v3.1.36 (IOKitLib v2.0.77)
11/12/2017 15:06:53.549 (32E4) DRIVER IOKitLib version 2.0.77 of Mar 17 2017 09:53:47
11/12/2017 15:06:53.549 (32E4) DEBUG CModbusHost CREATED
11/12/2017 15:06:53.549 (32E4) DRIVER Selected ModbusTCP protocol!
11/12/2017 15:06:53.549 (32E4) DRIVER User Types file compiled successfully!
11/12/2017 15:06:53.549 (32E4) DRIVER drvStartComm(0,0,0,0)
11/12/2017 15:06:53.549 (32E4) DRIVER Current configuration (76 parameters):
11/12/2017 15:06:53.549 (32E4) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP = ‘’
11/12/2017 15:06:53.549 (32E4) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP2 = ‘’
11/12/2017 15:06:53.549 (32E4) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP3 = ‘’
11/12/2017 15:06:53.550 (32E4) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.ListenIP = ‘’
11/12/2017 15:06:53.550 (32E4) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainIP = ‘’
11/12/2017 15:06:53.550 (32E4) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainPort = 502
11/12/2017 15:06:53.550 (32E4) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.PingTimeoutMs = 4000
11/12/2017 15:06:53.550 (32E4) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.PingTries = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:53.550 (32E4) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.Transport = ‘TCP’
11/12/2017 15:06:53.550 (32E4) DRIVER - IO.GiveUpTries = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:53.550 (32E4) DRIVER - IO.Log.Enable = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:53.550 (32E4) DRIVER - IO.Log.Filename = ‘C:\TesteCFRIATCP4.log’
11/12/2017 15:06:53.550 (32E4) DRIVER - IO.RAS.ATCommand = ‘’
11/12/2017 15:06:53.550 (32E4) DRIVER - IO.RecoverEnable = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:53.550 (32E4) DRIVER - IO.RecoverPeriodSec = 20
11/12/2017 15:06:53.550 (32E4) DRIVER - IO.Serial.Baudrate = 9600
11/12/2017 15:06:53.550 (32E4) DRIVER - IO.Serial.DataBits = 8
11/12/2017 15:06:53.550 (32E4) DRIVER - IO.Serial.Port = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:53.550 (32E4) DRIVER - IO.TAPI.ModemID = 4294967295
11/12/2017 15:06:53.550 (32E4) DRIVER - IO.TAPI.PhoneNumber = ‘’
11/12/2017 15:06:53.550 (32E4) DRIVER - IO.TimeoutMs = 1000
11/12/2017 15:06:53.550 (32E4) DRIVER - IO.Type = ‘Ethernet’
11/12/2017 15:06:53.550 (32E4) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.ConfigFile = '[Functions]
Function: 1
Read: 4
Write: 0
Type: word
Size: 2
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0
Function: 2
Read: 3
Write: 6
Type: word
Size: 2
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0

11/12/2017 15:06:53.550 (32E4) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.DefaultSlaveAddress = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:53.550 (32E4) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.EnableGenSOERegGrouping = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:53.550 (32E4) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.MaxPDUSize = 253
11/12/2017 15:06:53.550 (32E4) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.ModbusMode = 2
11/12/2017 15:06:53.550 (32E4) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.Olderaddr = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:53.550 (32E4) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.UserTypesConfigFile = '// USER DEFINED TYPES SAMPLE CONFIG FILE

// The samples below illustrate how to create user defined structs, using the driver built-in types (note the built-in
// types must be entered with the same keywords used in the Data combobox of the operations).
// The new user types can afterwards be used in the same way as the other built-in types in the Data combobox.

/* Sample types entirely commented by default

struct TYPE1 // TYPE 1 - declares struct with elements with no name, and no timestamp

// TYPE2 declares named elements, and includes a timestamp of GenTime type. The named elements can then be
// loaded to the user application using E3 Tag Browser.

// NOTE: the timestamp value will not be returned on a block element, but rather returned on the timestamp property
// of the block type tag. The order in which the timestamp appears within the structure is related to the order
// in which this field appears within the data area of the received protocol frame (usually the first field).

struct TYPE2
timestamp = GenTime; // this time field will be returned in the block’s timestamp field
GenTime timeField; // this time field will be returned in the block’s first element
dword dwordField;

struct TYPE3 // this type has a timestamp of type UTC32 and some named elements
DefaultAddress = 0x101;
timestamp = UTC32;
float Va;
float Vb;
float Vc;
float Ia;
float Ib;
float Ic;

11/12/2017 15:06:53.550 (32E4) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.WaitSilenceOnError = 1
11/12/2017 15:06:53.550 (32E4) DRIVER - 46 parameters with value = 0 were omitted
11/12/2017 15:06:53.551 (1AC8) IOKIT INITIALIZING…
11/12/2017 15:06:53.551 (1AC8) SOCKET Winsock initialized: version=2.2, highVersion=2.2
11/12/2017 15:06:53.551 (1AC8) IOKIT INITIALIZED!
11/12/2017 15:06:53.551 (1AC8) IOKIT Request handler enabled
11/12/2017 15:06:53.551 (1AC8) IOKIT CONNECTING…
11/12/2017 15:06:53.551 (1AC8) SOCKET connecting socket to ‘’ on port 502…
11/12/2017 15:06:53.552 (47E0) TAG Tag({1:}‘hr101’).Validate = Tag({1:}‘hr101’.Blob:003D4130) (type=10;flags=9)
11/12/2017 15:06:53.552 (47E0) TAG Tag({1:}‘hr101.dword’).Validate = Tag({1:}‘hr101.dword’.Blob:003D3FF8) (type=10;flags=9)
11/12/2017 15:06:53.552 (47E0) TAG Tag({1:}‘hr101.int16’).Validate = Tag({1:}‘hr101.int16’.Blob:003D3F90) (type=10;flags=9)
11/12/2017 15:06:53.552 (47E0) TAG Tag({1:}‘hr101.int32’).Validate = Tag({1:}‘hr101.int32’.Blob:003D43A0) (type=10;flags=9)
11/12/2017 15:06:53.552 (47E0) TAG Tag({1:}‘hr101.float’).Validate = Tag({1:}‘hr101.float’.Blob:003D4060) (type=10;flags=9)
11/12/2017 15:06:53.552 (47E0) TAG Tag({1:}‘cl1000’).Validate = Tag({1:}‘cl1000’.Blob:003D4198) (type=10;flags=9)
11/12/2017 15:06:53.552 (47E0) TAG Tag({1:}‘di1000’).Validate = Tag({1:}‘di1000’.Blob:003D4268) (type=10;flags=9)
11/12/2017 15:06:53.552 (47E0) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
11/12/2017 15:06:53.552 (47E0) SUPERBLOCK Tag( = Linear(1:1) (x1,00000001)
11/12/2017 15:06:53.552 (47E0) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
11/12/2017 15:06:53.552 (47E0) SUPERBLOCK Tag( = Linear(1:8) (x1,00000001)
11/12/2017 15:06:53.557 (1AC8) SOCKET socket connected to ‘’ on port 502 (local port 64462)!
11/12/2017 15:06:53.557 (1AC8) IOKIT CONNECTED!
11/12/2017 15:06:53.563 (1AC8) IO TX: 00 00 00 00 00 06 01 03 00 64 00 01
11/12/2017 15:06:54.564 (1AC8) IO RX: TIMEOUT
11/12/2017 15:06:54.564 (32E4) TAG <== (1.011) Tag({1:}‘hr101’.Blob:003D4130).ReadValue = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
11/12/2017 15:06:54.581 (1AC8) IO TX: 00 01 00 00 00 06 01 03 00 64 00 02
11/12/2017 15:06:55.585 (1AC8) IO RX: TIMEOUT
11/12/2017 15:06:55.585 (32E4) TAG <== (1.003) Tag({1:}‘hr101.dword’.Blob:003D3FF8).ReadValue = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
11/12/2017 15:06:55.585 (1AC8) IO TX: 00 02 00 00 00 06 01 03 00 64 00 01
11/12/2017 15:06:56.588 (1AC8) IO RX: TIMEOUT
11/12/2017 15:06:56.588 (32E4) TAG <== (1.003) Tag({1:}‘hr101.int16’.Blob:003D3F90).ReadValue = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
11/12/2017 15:06:56.588 (1AC8) IO TX: 00 03 00 00 00 06 01 03 00 64 00 02
11/12/2017 15:06:57.591 (1AC8) IO RX: TIMEOUT
11/12/2017 15:06:57.591 (32E4) TAG <== (1.003) Tag({1:}‘hr101.int32’.Blob:003D43A0).ReadValue = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
11/12/2017 15:06:57.591 (1AC8) IO TX: 00 04 00 00 00 06 01 03 00 64 00 02
11/12/2017 15:06:58.594 (1AC8) IO RX: TIMEOUT
11/12/2017 15:06:58.594 (32E4) TAG <== (1.003) Tag({1:}‘hr101.float’.Blob:003D4060).ReadValue = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
11/12/2017 15:06:58.594 (1AC8) IO TX: 00 05 00 00 00 06 01 01 03 E7 00 01
11/12/2017 15:06:59.597 (1AC8) IO RX: TIMEOUT
11/12/2017 15:06:59.597 (32E4) TAG <== (1.003) Tag({1:}‘cl1000’.Blob:003D4198).ReadValue = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
11/12/2017 15:06:59.597 (1AC8) IO TX: 00 06 00 00 00 06 01 02 03 E7 00 01
11/12/2017 15:07:00.601 (1AC8) IO RX: TIMEOUT
11/12/2017 15:07:00.601 (32E4) TAG <== (1.004) Tag({1:}‘di1000’.Blob:003D4268).ReadValue = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
11/12/2017 15:07:00.601 (32E4) SUPERBLOCK Linear(1:1).Unnormalize = Tag(
11/12/2017 15:07:00.601 (1AC8) IO TX: 00 07 00 00 00 06 01 04 00 00 00 08
11/12/2017 15:07:01.604 (1AC8) IO RX: TIMEOUT
11/12/2017 15:07:01.604 (32E4) TAG <== (1.002) Tag([8]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
11/12/2017 15:07:01.604 (1AC8) IO TX: 00 08 00 00 00 06 01 03 00 64 00 01
11/12/2017 15:07:02.608 (1AC8) IO RX: TIMEOUT
11/12/2017 15:07:02.608 (32E4) TAG <== (1.004) Tag({1:}‘hr101’.Blob:003D4130).ReadValue = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
11/12/2017 15:07:02.608 (1AC8) IO TX: 00 09 00 00 00 06 01 03 00 64 00 02
11/12/2017 15:07:03.611 (1AC8) IO RX: TIMEOUT
11/12/2017 15:07:03.611 (32E4) TAG <== (1.003) Tag({1:}‘hr101.dword’.Blob:003D3FF8).ReadValue = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
11/12/2017 15:07:03.611 (32E4) DRIVER drvStopComm(0,0,0,0)
11/12/2017 15:07:03.611 (32E4) IOKIT Stopping physical layer thread…
11/12/2017 15:07:03.611 (32E4) IOKIT Waiting for termination of physical layer thread…
11/12/2017 15:07:03.611 (1AC8) SOCKET socket closed
11/12/2017 15:07:03.611 (1AC8) IOKIT TERMINATING…
11/12/2017 15:07:03.612 (1AC8) IOKIT TERMINATED! (0 bytes sent, 0 bytes received)
11/12/2017 15:07:03.612 (1AC8) IOKIT Request handler disabled
11/12/2017 15:07:03.612 (32E4) IOKIT Physical layer thread stopped!
11/12/2017 15:07:03.612 (32E4) DEBUG CModbusHost DELETED


Novidades, por favor me informe.


@Anthoni, boa tarde.

As tags que estão configuradas são as default do sistema:

Chegou a configurar alguma tag conforme tínhamos feito anteriormente? Caso não o tenha feito, por favor, teria como testar utilizando a configuração das operations que criamos lá em cima?


Em tempo, criei uma aplicação exemplo para testes (download aqui).

Por favor, verifica se os dados de conexão estão corretos e testa com ela. Os logs serão gerados na pasta da aplicação.


Bom dia Fernando,

Fiz os testes conforme você solicitou e não obtive sucesso na comunicação ainda. Abaixo seguem os logs dos dois casos. Precisei alterar o IP do conversor de para pois suspeitei de algum problema com o gateway da rede. No caso da rede 192.168.0, não há gateway, já a 192.168.1 há um gateway e o servidor do E3 que está na 192.168.1 usando este gateway configurado.

Para o teste com a sua aplicação, apenas mudei o ip do dispositivo.


12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER Driver name: Driver Modicon Modbus v3.1.36 (IOKitLib v2.0.77)
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER IOKitLib version 2.0.77 of Mar 17 2017 09:53:47
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DEBUG CModbusHost CREATED
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER Selected RTU mode!
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER Warning: Ethernet layer being used without ModbusTCP protocol!
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER User Types file compiled successfully!
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER drvStartComm(0,0,0,0)
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER Current configuration (74 parameters):
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP = ‘’
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP2 = ‘’
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP3 = ‘’
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.ListenIP = ‘’
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainIP = ‘’
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainPort = 502
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.PingTimeoutMs = 4000
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.PingTries = 1
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.Transport = ‘TCP’
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER - IO.GiveUpTries = 1
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER - IO.Log.Enable = 1
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER - IO.Log.Filename = ‘C:\Modbus_RTU_Ethernet.log’
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER - IO.RecoverEnable = 1
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER - IO.RecoverPeriodSec = 5
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER - IO.Serial.Baudrate = 9600
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER - IO.Serial.DataBits = 8
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER - IO.Serial.Port = 1
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER - IO.TAPI.ModemID = 4294967295
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER - IO.TAPI.PhoneNumber = ‘’
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER - IO.TimeoutMs = 1000
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER - IO.Type = ‘Ethernet’
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.ConfigFile = '[Functions]
Function: 1
Read: 4
Write: 0
Type: word
Size: 2
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0
Function: 2
Read: 3
Write: 6
Type: word
Size: 2
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0

12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.DefaultSlaveAddress = 1
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.EnableGenSOERegGrouping = 1
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.EnableReconnectAfterTimeout = 1
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.MaxPDUSize = 253
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.Olderaddr = 1
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.UserTypesConfigFile = '// USER DEFINED TYPES SAMPLE CONFIG FILE

// The samples below illustrate how to create user defined structs, using the driver built-in types (note the built-in
// types must be entered with the same keywords used in the Data combobox of the operations).
// The new user types can afterwards be used in the same way as the other built-in types in the Data combobox.

/* Sample types entirely commented by default

struct TYPE1 // TYPE 1 - declares struct with elements with no name, and no timestamp

// TYPE2 declares named elements, and includes a timestamp of GenTime type. The named elements can then be
// loaded to the user application using E3 Tag Browser.

// NOTE: the timestamp value will not be returned on a block element, but rather returned on the timestamp property
// of the block type tag. The order in which the timestamp appears within the structure is related to the order
// in which this field appears within the data area of the received protocol frame (usually the first field).

struct TYPE2
timestamp = GenTime; // this time field will be returned in the block’s timestamp field
GenTime timeField; // this time field will be returned in the block’s first element
dword dwordField;

struct TYPE3 // this type has a timestamp of type UTC32 and some named elements
DefaultAddress = 0x101;
timestamp = UTC32;
float Va;
float Vb;
float Vc;
float Ia;
float Ib;
float Ic;

12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.WaitSilenceOnError = 1
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) DRIVER - 45 parameters with value = 0 were omitted
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (21D8) IOKIT INITIALIZING…
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (21D8) SOCKET Winsock initialized: version=2.2, highVersion=2.2
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (21D8) IOKIT INITIALIZED!
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (21D8) IOKIT Request handler enabled
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (21D8) IOKIT CONNECTING…
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (21D8) SOCKET connecting socket to ‘’ on port 502…
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (2070) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (2070) SUPERBLOCK Tag( = Linear(1:1) (x1,00000001)
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (2070) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (2070) SUPERBLOCK Tag( = Linear(2:29) (x1,00000002)
12/12/2017 11:07:07.432 (04D0) SUPERBLOCK Linear(1:1).Unnormalize = Tag(
12/12/2017 11:07:07.442 (21D8) SOCKET socket connected to ‘’ on port 502 (local port 52330)!
12/12/2017 11:07:07.442 (21D8) IOKIT CONNECTED!
12/12/2017 11:07:07.452 (21D8) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 01 31 CA
12/12/2017 11:07:08.453 (21D8) IO RX: TIMEOUT
12/12/2017 11:07:08.453 (04D0) DRIVER -> Reseting connection due to TIMEOUT…
12/12/2017 11:07:08.453 (04D0) SOCKET Driver forced socket disconnection (switchover allowed)!
12/12/2017 11:07:08.453 (04D0) TAG <== (1.019) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
12/12/2017 11:07:08.453 (04D0) SUPERBLOCK Linear(2:29).Unnormalize = Tag(
12/12/2017 11:07:08.453 (21D8) SOCKET socket closed
12/12/2017 11:07:08.453 (21D8) IOKIT CONNECTION LOST!
12/12/2017 11:07:08.453 (21D8) IOKIT RECONNECT POSTPONED!
12/12/2017 11:07:08.453 (21D8) IOKIT Pending request canceled!
12/12/2017 11:07:08.453 (04D0) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
12/12/2017 11:07:08.453 (04D0) DRIVER -> Failed, physical layer not connected!
12/12/2017 11:07:08.453 (04D0) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80004005)
12/12/2017 11:07:08.453 (04D0) DRIVER -> Failed, physical layer not connected!
12/12/2017 11:07:08.453 (04D0) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80004005)
12/12/2017 11:07:09.453 (04D0) DRIVER -> Failed, physical layer not connected!
12/12/2017 11:07:09.453 (04D0) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80004005)
12/12/2017 11:07:09.553 (04D0) DRIVER -> Failed, physical layer not connected!
12/12/2017 11:07:09.553 (04D0) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80004005)
12/12/2017 11:07:09.716 (04D0) DRIVER drvStopComm(0,0,0,0)
12/12/2017 11:07:09.716 (04D0) IOKIT Stopping physical layer thread…
12/12/2017 11:07:09.716 (04D0) IOKIT Waiting for termination of physical layer thread…
12/12/2017 11:07:09.716 (21D8) IOKIT TERMINATING…
12/12/2017 11:07:09.716 (21D8) IOKIT TERMINATED! (0 bytes sent, 0 bytes received)
12/12/2017 11:07:09.716 (21D8) IOKIT Request handler disabled
12/12/2017 11:07:09.716 (04D0) IOKIT Physical layer thread stopped!
12/12/2017 11:07:09.716 (04D0) DEBUG CModbusHost DELETED


12/12/2017 11:06:45.233 (0EF4) DRIVER Driver name: Driver Modicon Modbus v3.1.36 (IOKitLib v2.0.77)
12/12/2017 11:06:45.233 (0EF4) DRIVER IOKitLib version 2.0.77 of Mar 17 2017 09:53:47
12/12/2017 11:06:45.233 (0EF4) DEBUG CModbusHost CREATED
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER Selected ModbusTCP protocol!
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER User Types file compiled successfully!
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER drvStartComm(0,0,0,0)
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER Current configuration (74 parameters):
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP = ‘’
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP2 = ‘’
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP3 = ‘’
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.ListenIP = ‘’
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainIP = ‘’
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainPort = 502
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.PingTimeoutMs = 4000
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.PingTries = 1
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.Transport = ‘TCP’
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER - IO.GiveUpTries = 1
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER - IO.Log.Enable = 1
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER - IO.Log.Filename = ‘C:\Modbus_TCP_Ethernet.log’
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER - IO.RecoverEnable = 1
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER - IO.RecoverPeriodSec = 5
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER - IO.Serial.Baudrate = 9600
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER - IO.Serial.DataBits = 8
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER - IO.Serial.Port = 1
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER - IO.TAPI.ModemID = 4294967295
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER - IO.TAPI.PhoneNumber = ‘’
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER - IO.TimeoutMs = 1000
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER - IO.Type = ‘Ethernet’
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.ConfigFile = '[Functions]
Function: 1
Read: 4
Write: 0
Type: word
Size: 2
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0
Function: 2
Read: 3
Write: 6
Type: word
Size: 2
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0

12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.DefaultSlaveAddress = 1
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.EnableGenSOERegGrouping = 1
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.EnableReconnectAfterTimeout = 1
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.MaxPDUSize = 253
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.ModbusMode = 2
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.Olderaddr = 1
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.UserTypesConfigFile = '// USER DEFINED TYPES SAMPLE CONFIG FILE

// The samples below illustrate how to create user defined structs, using the driver built-in types (note the built-in
// types must be entered with the same keywords used in the Data combobox of the operations).
// The new user types can afterwards be used in the same way as the other built-in types in the Data combobox.

/* Sample types entirely commented by default

struct TYPE1 // TYPE 1 - declares struct with elements with no name, and no timestamp

// TYPE2 declares named elements, and includes a timestamp of GenTime type. The named elements can then be
// loaded to the user application using E3 Tag Browser.

// NOTE: the timestamp value will not be returned on a block element, but rather returned on the timestamp property
// of the block type tag. The order in which the timestamp appears within the structure is related to the order
// in which this field appears within the data area of the received protocol frame (usually the first field).

struct TYPE2
timestamp = GenTime; // this time field will be returned in the block’s timestamp field
GenTime timeField; // this time field will be returned in the block’s first element
dword dwordField;

struct TYPE3 // this type has a timestamp of type UTC32 and some named elements
DefaultAddress = 0x101;
timestamp = UTC32;
float Va;
float Vb;
float Vc;
float Ia;
float Ib;
float Ic;

12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.WaitSilenceOnError = 1
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (0EF4) DRIVER - 44 parameters with value = 0 were omitted
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (29D0) IOKIT INITIALIZING…
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (29D0) SOCKET Winsock initialized: version=2.2, highVersion=2.2
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (29D0) IOKIT INITIALIZED!
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (29D0) IOKIT Request handler enabled
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (29D0) IOKIT CONNECTING…
12/12/2017 11:06:45.235 (29D0) SOCKET connecting socket to ‘’ on port 502…
12/12/2017 11:06:45.245 (29D0) SOCKET socket connected to ‘’ on port 502 (local port 52324)!
12/12/2017 11:06:45.245 (29D0) IOKIT CONNECTED!
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER Driver name: Driver Modicon Modbus v3.1.36 (IOKitLib v2.0.77)
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER IOKitLib version 2.0.77 of Mar 17 2017 09:53:47
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DEBUG CModbusHost CREATED
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER Selected ModbusTCP protocol!
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER User Types file compiled successfully!
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER drvStartComm(0,0,0,0)
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER Current configuration (74 parameters):
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP = ‘’
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP2 = ‘’
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP3 = ‘’
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.ListenIP = ‘’
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainIP = ‘’
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainPort = 502
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.PingTimeoutMs = 4000
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.PingTries = 1
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.Transport = ‘TCP’
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER - IO.GiveUpTries = 1
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER - IO.Log.Enable = 1
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER - IO.Log.Filename = ‘C:\Modbus_TCP_Ethernet.log’
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER - IO.RecoverEnable = 1
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER - IO.RecoverPeriodSec = 5
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER - IO.Serial.Baudrate = 9600
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER - IO.Serial.DataBits = 8
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER - IO.Serial.Port = 1
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER - IO.TAPI.ModemID = 4294967295
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER - IO.TAPI.PhoneNumber = ‘’
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER - IO.TimeoutMs = 1000
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER - IO.Type = ‘Ethernet’
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.ConfigFile = '[Functions]
Function: 1
Read: 4
Write: 0
Type: word
Size: 2
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0
Function: 2
Read: 3
Write: 6
Type: word
Size: 2
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0

12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.DefaultSlaveAddress = 1
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.EnableGenSOERegGrouping = 1
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.EnableReconnectAfterTimeout = 1
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.MaxPDUSize = 253
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.ModbusMode = 2
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.Olderaddr = 1
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.UserTypesConfigFile = '// USER DEFINED TYPES SAMPLE CONFIG FILE

// The samples below illustrate how to create user defined structs, using the driver built-in types (note the built-in
// types must be entered with the same keywords used in the Data combobox of the operations).
// The new user types can afterwards be used in the same way as the other built-in types in the Data combobox.

/* Sample types entirely commented by default

struct TYPE1 // TYPE 1 - declares struct with elements with no name, and no timestamp

// TYPE2 declares named elements, and includes a timestamp of GenTime type. The named elements can then be
// loaded to the user application using E3 Tag Browser.

// NOTE: the timestamp value will not be returned on a block element, but rather returned on the timestamp property
// of the block type tag. The order in which the timestamp appears within the structure is related to the order
// in which this field appears within the data area of the received protocol frame (usually the first field).

struct TYPE2
timestamp = GenTime; // this time field will be returned in the block’s timestamp field
GenTime timeField; // this time field will be returned in the block’s first element
dword dwordField;

struct TYPE3 // this type has a timestamp of type UTC32 and some named elements
DefaultAddress = 0x101;
timestamp = UTC32;
float Va;
float Vb;
float Vc;
float Ia;
float Ib;
float Ic;

12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.WaitSilenceOnError = 1
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2104) DRIVER - 44 parameters with value = 0 were omitted
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (27B0) IOKIT INITIALIZING…
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (27B0) SOCKET Winsock initialized: version=2.2, highVersion=2.2
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (27B0) IOKIT INITIALIZED!
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (27B0) IOKIT Request handler enabled
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (27B0) IOKIT CONNECTING…
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (27B0) SOCKET connecting socket to ‘’ on port 502…
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2524) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2524) SUPERBLOCK Tag( = Linear(1:1) (x1,00000001)
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2524) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
12/12/2017 11:07:11.067 (2524) SUPERBLOCK Tag( = Linear(2:29) (x1,00000002)
12/12/2017 11:07:11.069 (2104) SUPERBLOCK Linear(1:1).Unnormalize = Tag(
12/12/2017 11:07:11.077 (27B0) SOCKET socket connected to ‘’ on port 502 (local port 52331)!
12/12/2017 11:07:11.077 (27B0) IOKIT CONNECTED!
12/12/2017 11:07:11.079 (27B0) IO TX: 00 00 00 00 00 06 01 04 00 00 00 01
12/12/2017 11:07:12.129 (27B0) IO RX: TIMEOUT
12/12/2017 11:07:12.129 (2104) DRIVER -> Reseting connection due to TIMEOUT…
12/12/2017 11:07:12.129 (2104) SOCKET Driver forced socket disconnection (switchover allowed)!
12/12/2017 11:07:12.129 (2104) TAG <== (1.061) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
12/12/2017 11:07:12.129 (27B0) SOCKET socket closed
12/12/2017 11:07:12.129 (2104) SUPERBLOCK Linear(2:29).Unnormalize = Tag(
12/12/2017 11:07:12.129 (27B0) IOKIT CONNECTION LOST!
12/12/2017 11:07:12.129 (27B0) IOKIT RECONNECT POSTPONED!
12/12/2017 11:07:12.129 (27B0) IOKIT Pending request canceled!
12/12/2017 11:07:12.129 (2104) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
12/12/2017 11:07:12.129 (2104) DRIVER -> Failed, physical layer not connected!
12/12/2017 11:07:12.129 (2104) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80004005)
12/12/2017 11:07:12.129 (2104) DRIVER -> Failed, physical layer not connected!
12/12/2017 11:07:12.129 (2104) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80004005)
12/12/2017 11:07:13.129 (2104) DRIVER -> Failed, physical layer not connected!
12/12/2017 11:07:13.129 (2104) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80004005)
12/12/2017 11:07:13.229 (2104) DRIVER -> Failed, physical layer not connected!
12/12/2017 11:07:13.229 (2104) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80004005)
12/12/2017 11:07:13.369 (2104) DRIVER drvStopComm(0,0,0,0)
12/12/2017 11:07:13.369 (2104) IOKIT Stopping physical layer thread…
12/12/2017 11:07:13.369 (2104) IOKIT Waiting for termination of physical layer thread…
12/12/2017 11:07:13.369 (27B0) IOKIT TERMINATING…
12/12/2017 11:07:13.369 (27B0) IOKIT TERMINATED! (0 bytes sent, 0 bytes received)
12/12/2017 11:07:13.369 (27B0) IOKIT Request handler disabled
12/12/2017 11:07:13.369 (2104) IOKIT Physical layer thread stopped!
12/12/2017 11:07:13.369 (2104) DEBUG CModbusHost DELETED

No aguardo de mais informações.


Obrigado pelo retorno.

Tem alguma forma de conectar o PLC direto ao servidor de aplicação (neste caso será Modbus RTU via Serial) ou utilizar outro conversor?

Bom dia Luiz,

Infelizmente não. Demorei na resposta para ver se conseguia alguma forma de comunicar. Infelizmente não consegui, precisaria comprar um conversor RTU USB para realizar o teste. Estou pretendendo comprar um mas mesmo assim, até chegar precisaria que essa comunicação estivesse estabelecida.


@Anthoni, bom dia.

Entendido, sendo assim podemos fazer outros testes até conseguirmos o outro conversor.

Bom, ainda sobre a solução com este conversor, uma das coisas que não verificamos foi a configuração da parte serial, ou seja, se o Baud rate, Data bits, Stop bits e paridade estavam corretos.

No software do conversor e no equipamento estão ok? Há a possibilidade de revisá-los?


Boa tarde Fernando,

As configurações da porta serial foram confirmadas com o fabricante. Acredito que o problema não esteja ai.

Agora, a boa notícia é que consegui um conversor RS485 USB e pude realizar testes diretamente no controlador! Um outro setor tinha um conversor disponível e pode me emprestar. INfelizmente Não consegui conectar a seguir os logs das tentativas realizadas na sexta-feira.

Creio que o suporte que preciso agora seja com o fabricante do controlador, no caso a Carel. Há mais algum ponto para verificarmos?

15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER Driver name: Driver Modicon Modbus v3.1.36 (IOKitLib v2.0.77)
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER IOKitLib version 2.0.77 of Mar 17 2017 09:53:47
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DEBUG CModbusHost CREATED
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER Selected RTU mode!
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER User Types file compiled successfully!
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER drvStartComm(0,0,0,0)
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER Current configuration (71 parameters):
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP = ‘’
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP2 = ‘’
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP3 = ‘’
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.ListenIP = ‘’
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainIP = ‘’
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainPort = 502
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.PingTimeoutMs = 4000
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.PingTries = 1
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.Transport = ‘TCP’
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER - IO.GiveUpTries = 1
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER - IO.Log.Enable = 1
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER - IO.Log.Filename = ‘C:\TestediretoSerial1.log’
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER - IO.RecoverEnable = 1
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER - IO.RecoverPeriodSec = 5
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER - IO.Serial.Baudrate = 9600
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER - IO.Serial.DataBits = 8
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER - IO.Serial.Port = 5
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER - IO.Serial.StopBits = 2
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER - IO.TimeoutMs = 1000
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER - IO.Type = ‘Serial’
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.ConfigFile = '[Functions]
Function: 1
Read: 4
Write: 0
Type: word
Size: 2
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0
Function: 2
Read: 3
Write: 6
Type: word
Size: 2
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0

15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.DefaultSlaveAddress = 1
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.EnableGenSOERegGrouping = 1
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.EnableReconnectAfterTimeout = 1
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.MaxPDUSize = 253
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.Olderaddr = 1
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.UserTypesConfigFile = '// USER DEFINED TYPES SAMPLE CONFIG FILE

// The samples below illustrate how to create user defined structs, using the driver built-in types (note the built-in
// types must be entered with the same keywords used in the Data combobox of the operations).
// The new user types can afterwards be used in the same way as the other built-in types in the Data combobox.

/* Sample types entirely commented by default

struct TYPE1 // TYPE 1 - declares struct with elements with no name, and no timestamp

// TYPE2 declares named elements, and includes a timestamp of GenTime type. The named elements can then be
// loaded to the user application using E3 Tag Browser.

// NOTE: the timestamp value will not be returned on a block element, but rather returned on the timestamp property
// of the block type tag. The order in which the timestamp appears within the structure is related to the order
// in which this field appears within the data area of the received protocol frame (usually the first field).

struct TYPE2
timestamp = GenTime; // this time field will be returned in the block’s timestamp field
GenTime timeField; // this time field will be returned in the block’s first element
dword dwordField;

struct TYPE3 // this type has a timestamp of type UTC32 and some named elements
DefaultAddress = 0x101;
timestamp = UTC32;
float Va;
float Vb;
float Vc;
float Ia;
float Ib;
float Ic;

15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.WaitSilenceOnError = 1
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) DRIVER - 43 parameters with value = 0 were omitted
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2530) IOKIT INITIALIZING…
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2530) IOKIT INITIALIZED!
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2530) IOKIT Request handler enabled
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2530) IOKIT CONNECTING…
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2530) SERIAL Opening COM5:9600,8,NONE,2 …
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (3A34) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (3A34) SUPERBLOCK Tag( = Linear(1:1) (x1,00000001)
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (3A34) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (3A34) SUPERBLOCK Tag( = Linear(1:29) (x1,00000001)
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (3A34) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (3A34) SUPERBLOCK Tag( = Linear(1:2) (x1,00000001)
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (3A34) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (3A34) SUPERBLOCK Tag( = Linear(1:43) (x1,00000001)
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (3A34) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (3A34) SUPERBLOCK Tag( = Linear(1:5001) (x1,00000001)
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (3A34) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (3A34) SUPERBLOCK Tag( = Linear(2:64) (x1,00000001)
15/12/2017 14:09:26.961 (2C2C) SUPERBLOCK Linear(1:1).Unnormalize = Tag(
15/12/2017 14:09:26.977 (2530) SERIAL Port opened!
15/12/2017 14:09:26.977 (2530) IOKIT CONNECTED!
15/12/2017 14:09:26.993 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:09:28.009 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:28.009 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.040) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:28.009 (2C2C) SUPERBLOCK Linear(1:5001).Unnormalize = Tag(
15/12/2017 14:09:28.009 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:09:29.024 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:29.024 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:29.024 (2C2C) SUPERBLOCK Linear(2:64).Unnormalize = Tag(
15/12/2017 14:09:29.024 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:09:29.024 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:09:29.024 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:09:30.040 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:30.040 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:30.040 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:09:31.056 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:31.056 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:31.056 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:09:31.056 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:09:31.056 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:09:32.071 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:32.071 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.016) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:32.071 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:09:33.087 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:33.087 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:33.087 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:09:33.087 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:09:33.087 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:09:34.103 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:34.103 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.016) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:34.103 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:09:35.119 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:35.119 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:35.119 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:09:35.119 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:09:35.119 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:09:36.134 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:36.134 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:36.134 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:09:37.150 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:37.150 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.016) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:37.150 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:09:37.150 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:09:37.150 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:09:38.166 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:38.166 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:38.166 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:09:39.182 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:39.182 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:39.182 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:09:39.182 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:09:39.182 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:09:40.197 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:40.197 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:40.197 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:09:41.213 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:41.213 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:41.213 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:09:41.213 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:09:41.213 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:09:42.229 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:42.229 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:42.229 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:09:43.244 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:43.244 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:43.244 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:09:43.244 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:09:43.244 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:09:44.260 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:44.260 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.016) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:44.260 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:09:45.276 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:45.276 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.016) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:45.276 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:09:45.276 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:09:45.276 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:09:46.292 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:46.292 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:46.292 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:09:47.307 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:47.307 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:47.307 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:09:47.307 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:09:47.307 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:09:48.323 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:48.323 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:48.323 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:09:49.339 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:49.339 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.016) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:49.339 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:09:49.339 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:09:49.339 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:09:50.355 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:50.355 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:50.355 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:09:51.370 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:51.370 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:51.370 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:09:51.370 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:09:51.370 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:09:52.386 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:52.386 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.016) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:52.386 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:09:53.402 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:53.402 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.016) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:53.402 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:09:53.402 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:09:53.402 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:09:54.418 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:54.418 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:54.418 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:09:55.433 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:55.433 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:55.433 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:09:55.433 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:09:55.433 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:09:56.449 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:56.449 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.016) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:56.449 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:09:57.465 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:57.465 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:57.465 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:09:57.465 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:09:57.465 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:09:58.481 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:58.481 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.016) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:58.481 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:09:59.496 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:09:59.496 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:09:59.496 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:09:59.496 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:09:59.496 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:10:00.512 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:00.512 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.016) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:00.512 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:10:01.528 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:01.528 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:01.528 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:10:01.528 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:10:01.528 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:10:02.543 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:02.543 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:20.827 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:10:21.842 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:21.842 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:21.842 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:10:21.842 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:10:21.842 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:10:22.858 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:22.858 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:22.858 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:10:23.874 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:23.874 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.017) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:23.874 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:10:23.874 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:10:23.874 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:10:24.890 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:24.890 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:24.890 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:10:25.905 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:25.905 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:25.905 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:10:25.905 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:10:25.905 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:10:26.921 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:26.921 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.016) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:26.921 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:10:27.937 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:27.937 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:27.937 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:10:27.937 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:10:27.937 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:10:28.953 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:28.953 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:28.953 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:10:29.968 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:29.968 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:29.968 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:10:29.968 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:10:29.968 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:10:30.984 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:30.984 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:30.984 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:10:32.000 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:32.000 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:32.000 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:10:32.000 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:10:32.000 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:10:33.016 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:33.016 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.016) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:33.016 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:10:34.031 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:34.031 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.016) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:34.031 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:10:34.031 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:10:34.031 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:10:35.047 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:35.047 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:35.047 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:10:36.063 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:36.063 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.016) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:36.063 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:10:36.063 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:10:36.063 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:10:37.078 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:37.078 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:37.078 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:10:38.094 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:38.094 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:38.094 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:10:38.094 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:10:38.094 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:10:39.110 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:39.110 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.016) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:39.110 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:10:40.126 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:40.126 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:40.126 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:10:40.126 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:10:40.126 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:10:41.141 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:41.141 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:41.141 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:10:42.157 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:42.157 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:42.157 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:10:42.157 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:10:42.157 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:10:43.173 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:43.173 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.016) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:43.173 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:10:44.189 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:44.189 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:44.189 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:10:44.189 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:10:44.189 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:10:45.204 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:45.204 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:45.204 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:10:46.220 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:46.220 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:46.220 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:10:46.220 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:10:46.220 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:10:47.236 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:47.236 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:47.236 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:10:48.252 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:48.252 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:48.252 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:10:48.252 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:10:48.252 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:10:49.267 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:49.267 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:49.267 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:10:50.283 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:50.283 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:50.283 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:10:50.283 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:10:50.283 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:10:51.299 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:51.299 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:51.299 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:10:52.314 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:52.314 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.016) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:52.314 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:10:52.314 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:10:52.314 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:10:53.330 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:53.330 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:53.330 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:10:54.346 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:54.346 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:54.346 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:10:54.346 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:10:54.346 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:10:55.362 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:55.362 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:55.362 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:10:56.377 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:56.377 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:56.377 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:10:56.377 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:10:56.377 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:10:57.393 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:57.393 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:57.393 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:10:58.409 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:58.409 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:58.409 (2C2C) DRIVER ERROR: invalid slave address (broadcast is not supported in read commands)!
15/12/2017 14:10:58.409 (2C2C) TAG <== (0.000) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=80070057)
15/12/2017 14:10:58.409 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 00 00 00 2B B0 15
15/12/2017 14:10:59.425 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:10:59.425 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([43]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:10:59.425 (2530) IO TX: 01 04 13 88 00 01 B5 64
15/12/2017 14:11:00.440 (2530) IO RX: TIMEOUT
15/12/2017 14:11:00.440 (2C2C) TAG <== (1.015) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
15/12/2017 14:11:00.440 (2C2C) DRIVER drvStopComm(0,0,0,0)
15/12/2017 14:11:00.440 (2C2C) IOKIT Stopping physical layer thread…
15/12/2017 14:11:00.440 (2C2C) IOKIT Waiting for termination of physical layer thread…
15/12/2017 14:11:00.565 (2530) SERIAL Port closed!
15/12/2017 14:11:00.565 (2530) IOKIT TERMINATING…
15/12/2017 14:11:00.565 (2530) IOKIT TERMINATED! (0 bytes sent, 0 bytes received)
15/12/2017 14:11:00.565 (2530) IOKIT Request handler disabled
15/12/2017 14:11:00.565 (2C2C) IOKIT Physical layer thread stopped!
15/12/2017 14:11:00.565 (2C2C) DEBUG CModbusHost DELETED
